Way of the Force
Information for I3-TheMud-ORG-PGSQL
IP address  :
Telnet port : 5555
Type        : LPMud
Driver      : FluffOS v2.28.3
Codebase    : Dead Souls 3.8.6
Mudlib      : Dead Souls 3.8.6
Status      : CLOSED TO PUBLIC
Contact     : adam@themud.org

Extra info:

  architecture         : "Linux/x86-64"
  ip                   : ""
  native version       : "3.8.6"
  next boot            : "AES Sun Jan 13 10:39:07 2036"
  oob port             : "5561"
  os build             : "unix"
  upsince              : "Fri Aug 16 18:39:07 2024"